Evidence of poisonous mercury dump found upstream from Grassy Narrows

Jan 13th, 2017 4:12 AM

Fri. Jan. 13, 2017 Advisory Toronto - Earthroots has found evidence of a poisonous mercury dump behind the Dryden paper mill, upstream from the Grassy Narrows First Nation where many people suffer from mercury poisoning. A soil sample from the site collected by Earthroots volunteers contains hundreds of times the level of mercury found in a nearby uncontaminated site. The location is within the circle drawn on a map by Kas Glowacki, a former mill worker, to show where he buried 50 barrels of mercury and salt haphazardly in a pit behind the mill in 1972. Mercury is a potent neuro-toxin that damages the brain and nervous system. This key evidence comes to light shortly after the Wynne government told the legislature on November 23rd that “We have completed very extensive tests... and found there are no barrels buried and there is no source [of mercury].” Grassroots volunteers for Earthroots, an environmental group, found the contaminated soil in a weekend excursion using a hand held metal detector. PRESS CONFERENCE: Earthroots will reveal how they found mercury contaminated soil behind the Dryden mill where a former worker reports burying 50 toxic barrels. WHERE: Queen’s Park Media Studio. WHEN: Friday January 13, 11:30 a.m. WHO: Gord Miller, former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario and current Earthroots Board Chair. Contact: 647-550-7882 High resolution photos and Broll available. #FreeGrassy