Over 200 Clean 50 Award winning business, academic and ENGO leaders create a “CLEAN RESET” blueprint for Canada’s post Covid-19 economy

Apr 22nd, 2020 12:00 PM

For Immediate Release Over 200 Clean 50 Award winning business, academic and ENGO leaders create a "CLEAN RESET" blueprint for Canada's post Covid-19 economy Notable signatories include the past Economic Commissioners of Canada and Ontario, the past Mayor of Vancouver, a former Ontario Minister of Environment and Climate Change, executives from major corporations such as Unilever and 91 CEOs / Presidents from across Canada. Toronto: April 22, 2020: "During the past three weeks, over 200 recipients of Canada's Clean50 Awards joined forces to address the economic issues facing Canada in a post-COVID recovery. This collaboration resulted in a plan that emphasises government investment in the "clean" jobs of the future. The priority was to ensure that expected stimulus spending is directed towards building a lasting, more health focused and resilient Canadian economy, and one that is less reliant upon oil prices set by other countries" Clean50 founder Gavin Pitchford stated today. "This approach best positions the Canadian economy for a quick recovery and clean growth for decades to come. It will also help us move towards achieving our Paris Agreement targets" he added. The Clean50 Award, now in its tenth year, recognizes sustainability leadership from every sector of Canadian endeavor, and from across the country, annually conferring awards to 50 individuals, 10 emerging leaders and 20 sustainability projects, and has to date recognized some 600 people for their demonstrated results and leadership in impacting climate change. Those involved in creating the "Clean Reset" blueprint come from virtually every sector of the economy and civil society, and from every region of Canada. The approach considers the significant opportunities available by growing the Canadian low-carbon economy to pursue Canada's share of what studies identify is globally $26 trillion USD in business opportunities, and millions of jobs, over the next 9 years, leading to 2030. The authors note that risks that apply to COVID apply equally to the larger and more prolonged impacts of climate change, already becoming evident. The "Clean Reset" proposal calls for immediate and significant investment in existing public-sector programs, to quickly create the conditions to provide future-focused jobs in renewable energy, cleantech, and building energy efficiency retrofits for both homeowners and commercial real estate owners. They also emphasised the value of supporting existing programs that help small-medium enterprises become more energy and resource efficient - actions proven to make them more profitable, productive, as well as more resilient. The authors contend many of the suggested investments would ultimately be revenue positive for the Government. The Plan recommends significant investments allowing municipalities, businesses and individual homeowners to take the necessary steps to adapt to climate risks, such as floods, forest fires and droughts. Money spent in this manner now will position communities, companies and individuals to avoid massive near-future losses to property and productivity. Endorsed by 210 members of the Clean50 alumni, the "Clean Reset" plan is described in an open letter that was sent to Canadian leaders earlier today. The open letter can be seen at https://clean50.com/cleanreset/ Download the list of signatures here
For Further information: Canada's Clean50 - www.clean50.com Gavin Pitchford, Executive Director 416.925.2005 x 2300 gpitchford@deltamanagement.com Please note: This open letter to our governments "A Clean Reset for a Healthy, Just and Prosperous Canada" is also available in French. Cette lettre ouverte à nos gouvernements : « Un projet de relance pour un Canada sain, juste et prospère » est disponible en français.