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Federal Government approves Environmental Assessment for Two Feathers Forest Products, LP - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Federal Government approves Environmental Assessment for Two Feathers Forest Products, LP

Sep 25th, 2009 5:42 AM

Media Release Federal Government approves Environmental Assessment for Two Feathers Forest Products, LP (Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, September 25, 2009) Two Feathers Forest Products, LP (TFFP) is proud to announce the Environmental Assessment (EA) submitted on July 14, 2009 has been reviewed and accepted by the Federal Government. The approval, received this week, is a key milestone for the value-added forestry initiative. Terry Favelle, President of Two Feather Forest Products observed, "Our partner communities and the TFFP team are very happy to see the EA approved. This approval is yet more evidence of the strength of the project." Favelle went on to describe how, at each of the well attended public open houses held during May and June 2009, there was much interest and discussion. Open houses were held in each of the three partner First Nations (Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation and Eagle Lake First Nation) and in adjacent communities (Dryden, Balmertown and Vermilion Bay). The EA report authors, Stantec Consulting Ltd., and other project staff attended each session, answering questions and educating the public about both the EA process and specifics of the TFFP project. TFFP is a partnership involving Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Eagle Lake First Nation and Finnish-based Wood Tech Group Canada. The partnership is planning to build a value-added forest product facility in the Municipality of Red Lake and Eagle Lake First Nation. The Red Lake site will house log sorting, milling, and chipping facilities, as well as a 9.9MW biomass cogeneration facility to generate electricity for sale into the Ontario power grid. Wood processed at the Red Lake site will be shipped by truck to the Eagle Lake facility. This site will include a planer mill and assembly facilities for the construction of pre-fabricated buildings and other value-added components for distribution to the Asian and European markets. The Two Feathers Forest Products, LP head office is located at Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation. "On behalf of the TFFP team, I wish to thank the many people who have worked to ensure the successful approval of the EA. This approval provides further acknowledgement of the benefits for the First Nations communities and our neighbours," concluded Favelle. -30- To schedule an interview, or to obtain digital images of the public meetings, please contact: Don Huff, Environmental Communication Options, 416-972-7404 or email huffd@ecostrategy.ca For the complete text of the final EA, visit:http://www.twofeatherswood.com For more information about the Federal EA approval process, visit:http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=DACB19EE-1 The TFFP partnership is jointly owned by Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Eagle Lake First Nation, and Wood Tech Group Canada. The proposed wood processing facilities are to be located in the Municipality of Red Lake and at the Eagle Lake First Nation (west of Dryden). The TFFP head office is located at Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation (east of Dryden)