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Trees Ontario to launch National Forestry Week by giving away 1,500 White Pine seedlings - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Trees Ontario to launch National Forestry Week by giving away 1,500 White Pine seedlings

Sep 21st, 2007 5:17 AM

Photo Opportunity TORONTO: Trees Ontario to kick off National Forestry Week by giving out 1,500 White Pine seedlings at First Canadian Place WHAT: Trees Ontario student tree planters will be distributing 1,500 free white pine seedlings – Ontario’s Provincial Tree - at First Canadian Place in downtown Toronto to kick off National Forestry Week WHERE: First Canadian Place, King and Bay (Enter off Adelaide Street, take escalators down to Concourse Level – Community Centre is near base of escalators, near indoor waterfall) WHEN: Monday, September 24, 2007, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm WHO: Michael Scott, President and CEO, Trees Ontario National Forest Week: National Forestry Week began as Forest Fire Prevention Week in the first half of the 20th century. The intention was to encourage greater public awareness towards Canada's forests. At the time, there was no apparent shortage of trees for industrial expansion – the greatest threat came from forest fires, due mainly to human causes. Renamed in 1967, National Forestry Week has since evolved to include many human and environmental aspects of Canada's forest resources – past, present and future. Although special activities are promoted across Canada, National Forest Week remains first and foremost a challenge to individual Canadians to learn more about their forest heritage and support greater recognition of this valuable resource. Last spring, tree planting agencies in Ontario, including regional Conservation Authorities and local Stewardship Ontario councils planted almost 3 million trees, mostly across southern Ontario. Trees Ontario was a principal funding partner in the planting. For more information: Michael Scott, President and CEO, Trees Ontario, (416) 506-1694 Don Huff, e|c|o, (416) 972-7401