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Disease Days of Salmon - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Disease Days of Salmon

Aug 22nd, 2011 4:58 AM

Media Release
Decade of Data Disclosed for B.C.'s Salmon Feedlots
(Vancouver, B.C., August 22, 2011) A decade of data detailing infectious diseases on 120 salmon feedlots in British Columbia, Canada, is expected to be entered as evidence this week via the Cohen Commission's inquiry into the Fraser River sockeye. The evidentiary hearings on ‘Diseases' begin this morning until Thursday (August 25) - with witnesses including DFO's Dr. Kristi Miller, Dr. Michael Kent (Professor, Microbiology & Biomedical Sciences, Oregon State University) and Dr. Craig Stephen (Director, Centre for Coastal Health & Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary). ‘Aquaculture' is the next topic starting on August 25 until September 8 with Alexandra Morton testifying on September 7 & 8. Alexandra Morton, biologist, said: "As they breathe, fish farm pathogens are passing over the gills of Fraser sockeye into direct contact with their bloodstream. The Inquiry has selected a panel of scientists and vets to answer questions about what the Fraser sockeye have been exposed to. These are very important hearings." Anisssa Reed, co-founder of the Salmon Are Sacred people's movement, said: "Salmon farms are in public waters and so the public have a right to know what diseases are flowing out of B.C.'s Norwegian-owned salmon farms. Come to the Cohen Commission this week and bear witness to the truth." Download and spread this poster online via: http://www.salmonaresacred.org/sites/default/files/files/Is-Your-Dinner-Diseased.pdf Listen online here to a new radio advert from Salmon Are Sacred: "What will muzzled DFO scientist Dr. Kristi Miller say when 'Ottawa's cone of silence' over her is lifted?" For more information, contact: Alexandra Morton, gorbuscha@gmail.com or (250) 974-7086
Background: April 2008 - Marine Harvest admitted in a submission to the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner that the release of disease information "would cause significant commercial harm," "undue financial loss" and that "Marine Harvest Canada's reputation could be tarnished and sales volume reduced". April 2008 - Cermaq (Mainstream Canada) claimed in a submission to the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner that "disclosure would result in "undue financial loss" to Mainstream," "damage Mainstream's business" and referred to "the harm which such information in the wrong hands can do." April 2010 - The BC Salmon Farmers Association refused access to Government disease inspectors. May 2010 - Alexandra Morton leads ‘The Get Out Migration' 500km down Vancouver Island to the B.C. Parliament where over 5,000 people gathered to ask that salmon feedlots get out of BC waters. October 2010 -The Wild Salmon People paddled down the Fraser River to the opening of the Cohen Commission to demand 18 years of disease records. October 2010 - The BCSFA released "Five years of raw data about fish health on BC salmon farms" to the Cohen Commission and claim that "fish on our farms are healthy". December 2010 - Justice Cohen ordered the disclosure of 10 years of disease data for 120 salmon feedlots. January 2011 - The BCSFA delivered "reams of data" on diseases to the Cohen Commission and claimed the "unprecedented data release shows good health on BC farms". May 2011 - The BCSFA claimed their farmed salmon are "healthy" in an 'independent' audit. May 2011 - In submissions to the Cohen Commission the BCSFA stated that the release of disease data would could cause ‘irreparable' and ‘irrevocable' financial damage. June 2011 - Justice Cohen ruled against releasing disease information in a ‘Ruling on Undertakings of Confidentiality' until the evidentiary hearings. August 2011 - ‘Diseases' (22-25 August) and ‘Aquaculture' (25 August - 8 September) are discussed at the evidentiary hearings of the Cohen Commission.