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Cohen Commission challenged to open the can of worms of salmon farming - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Cohen Commission challenged to open the can of worms of salmon farming

Oct 21st, 2010 10:26 AM

Media Release It is time for the salmon feedlots to prove they are not killing wild salmon (Chilliwack, B.C., October 21, 2010) - Salmon Are Sacred released a new film today – “Salmon Farm Diseases and Sockeye” – and called on the Cohen Commission to order the release of the disease records of all the salmon feedlots discharging pathogens into the migration route of the Fraser sockeye. To watch the film online please click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vekW4FgXefo The Wild Salmon People rafted through Hell’s Gate on Tuesday (19th) and paddled from Hope to Chilliwack yesterday (20th). The ‘Paddle for Wild Salmon’ continues today to Abbotsford and will arrive in Vancouver on Monday (25th) morning at 9 am in Vanier Park and then march to the opening of the Cohen Commission and a rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Alexandra Morton, who has standing at the Cohen Commission, said, “The only way the Cohen Commission can answer how much impact salmon feedlots are having on wild salmon is if Justice Cohen orders full disclosure of 18 years of disease data from the Norwegian-owned companies growing Atlantic salmon on the Fraser salmon migration route. Privately-owned companies cannot be allowed to evade public scrutiny and pour disease into BC’s pristine waters, slamming the door on Government inspections. The public has the right to know the truth and we deserve transparency not secrecy.” “National Chief Shawn Atleo blessed the departure of the Wild Salmon People as we migrated down the Fraser River to march across Burrard Bridge to the opening of the Cohen Commission in Vancouver on Monday. We will ask that Justice Cohen find the will to order full disclosure from the salmon feedlots. Martin Luther King and Gandhi showed us how to protect ourselves, our land and our future from governments that have forgotten that they serve us, the people, not the corporations. Peacefully, powerfully we have to walk together in the face of disrespect.” Film-maker Twyla Roscovich said, “The film was produced to help people understand the dynamics of Fraser sockeye smolts migration patterns, the location of the farms and how disease is transferred. Once people understand some of these basic facts it is not such a mystery why some runs don’t make it home.” Don Staniford of Salmon Are Sacred said, “Wild salmon are forced to run the gauntlet past a hangman’s noose of disease-ridden salmon farms. If the BC salmon farming sector – 92% of which is controlled by Norwegian multinationals - refuse to release their disease records then they should get out of the water and out of the way of migrating smolts. The Get Out Migration is heading to Vancouver on Monday to the opening of the Cohen Commission to demand Justice for Wild Salmon.” Salmon Are Sacred has launched a new advertising campaign in an effort to lift the lid on salmon farm diseases. If these Norwegian corporations are not killing BC’s wild salmon, it is time for them to prove it. The advertisements can be downloaded via: http://www.salmonaresacred.org/sites/default/files/files/Is-Your-Dinner-Diseased.pdf For more details of ‘The Paddle for Wild Salmon’ (including an itinerary) please visit: http://www.salmonaresacred.org/paddle-wild-salmon Follow the journey at Alexandra’s blog: http://alexandramorton.typepad.com/ For more details on the Wild Salmon People please visit: www.wildsalmonpeople.ca Contact: Alexandra Morton: 250 974 7086 [Cell phone coverage on the Fraser River permitting] Don Staniford: 250 230 1172