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Chief Energy Conservation Officer awards Certificate of Recognition to Hydro Ottawa for energy conservation - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Chief Energy Conservation Officer awards Certificate of Recognition to Hydro Ottawa for energy conservation

May 30th, 2008 9:12 AM

For Immediate Release Chief Energy Conservation Officer awards Certificate of Recognition to Hydro Ottawa for energy conservation Hydro Ottawa celebrated as part of Energy Conservation Week event at Ottawa Hospital (Ottawa, Ontario, May 30, 2008) Peter Love, Chief Energy Conservation Officer of Ontario, awarded a Certificate of Recognition to Hydro Ottawa today, for outstanding achievement in conservation. Between 2005 and 2007, Hydro Ottawa invested $8 million in Conservation Demand Management programs for its residential and industrial customers. This resulted in a savings of 75.2 million kilowatt-hours and a reduction of 17,821 tonnes of COs emissions into the atmosphere. "Hydro Ottawa has demonstrated a sincere commitment to reduce wasteful electricity practices. This exemplifies what we all need to work toward," said Mr. Love. "Initiatives like their Conservation Van, which is here with us today, help to expand the public’s understanding of how simple everyday contributions can build a culture of conservation in Ontario.” Hydro Ottawa currently has several programs which promote the benefits of conservation through the adoption of efficient technologies. These include the Electricity Retrofit Incentive Program (ERIP), the Conservation Van, as well as solar and demand response programs. Hydro Ottawa is committed to delivering programs that promote the development of a lasting conservation culture. "Ottawa continues to rise to the challenge when it comes to embracing a culture of conservation and it’s rewarding to see our efforts paying off,” said Hydro Ottawa’s Norm Fraser, Chief Operating Officer. “We’re proud to be recognized by the OPA and Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation Officer for our leadership in promoting energy conservation.” The Certificate of Recognition, accepted by Mr. Fraser, reads, "Congratulations for promoting a culture of energy conservation in the Ottawa area." “The successes that Hydro Ottawa has achieved are due, in large part, to the engagement of our customers and their commitment to conserving energy,” said Mr. Fraser. “We certainly couldn’t have done it alone.” For more information, please contact: R. Susan Barrett, Manager, Communications & Public Affairs Hydro Ottawa Limited Media Pager: (613) 221-0063 OPA media line: (416) 969-6307 In pursuit of its mandate of ensuring an adequate, long-term supply of electricity for Ontario, the Ontario Power Authority creates and implements conservation and demand management programs, ensures adequate investment in new supply infrastructure, performs long-term, electricity system planning, and facilitates the development of a more sustainable competitive electricity system. Hydro Ottawa Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. and the second largest municipal electricity distribution company in the province. They are responsible for the safe, reliable delivery of electricity to more than 285,000 residential and business customers in the City of Ottawa and the village of Casselman. Hydro Ottawa is proud to be a founding member of powerWISE®, a program developed in partnership with the Ontario Government and five other electricity distribution companies, created to promote energy conservation to consumers, reduce the overall demand for electricity and most importantly build a conservation culture.