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Earth Hour Ontario - Peter Love, Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer, on the influence and lasting impact of Earth Hour for all Ontarians. - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Earth Hour Ontario - Peter Love, Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer, on the influence and lasting impact of Earth Hour for all Ontarians.

Mar 28th, 2008 4:14 AM

Interview Opportunity: Earth Hour Ontario - Peter Love, Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation Officer, on the influence and lasting impact of Earth Hour for all Ontarians WHAT: Of the 301 communities worldwide that are participating in Earth Hour, Ontario has 80 communities involved – over a quarter of the entire global list! Mr. Love will be available for interviews regarding Ontario’s remarkable and enormous individual and private and public sector response to Earth Hour and reference the following points: • How Earth Hour is helping to establish a ‘Culture of Conservation’ in Ontario; • How Ontario will work towards achieving a 6300 MW reduction in electricity use by 2025 (equivalent to using the electricity that currently powers 4 homes and making it power 5 homes), and; • How energy efficiency and conservation programs like “PowerPlay” have helped companies like mining giant VALE-INCO find new energy savings (They tripled their energy savings - from $2.7 million to $9.7 million). To arrange an interview, specific to Earth Hour please call (416) 904-5787 In pursuit of its mandate of ensuring an adequate, long-term supply of electricity for Ontario, the Ontario Power Authority creates and implements conservation and demand management programs, ensures adequate investment in new supply infrastructure, performs long-term, electricity system planning, and facilitates the development of a more sustainable competitive electricity system.