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Ontario Nature hosts invasive plant species session at Willoughby Nature Reserve - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Ontario Nature hosts invasive plant species session at Willoughby Nature Reserve

Jul 8th, 2008 11:47 AM

Media Advisory Attention: Community Calendar, Event Listing and News Editors Ontario Nature hosts invasive plant species session at Willoughby Nature Reserve Learn how to identify and control invasive plants on your own property (Caledon Hills, Ontario) This weekend, come out to Ontario Nature’s Willoughby Nature Reserve and learn methods for controlling invasive plants on your own property and find out which native Ontario plants you can use to create an ecologically sound and healthy garden. Attendees will also help restore the reserve’s natural balance by removing invasive periwinkle. These garden-plants-gone-wild have crowded out the forest’s native species and are damaging its unique habitat. Pre-registration for this event is required. WHAT: Weeding at Willoughby! WHEN: July 12 - 13, 2008 (sessions begin at 10:00 am on both days) WHERE: The Willoughby Nature Reserve is located 5 kilometres south of Caledon Village. For more information and to register, contact: Lisa Richardson Volunteer for Nature coordinator 416-444-8419 ext.222 lisar@ontarionature.org Jim MacInnis Communications Coordinator, Ontario Nature 416-444-8419 ext.269 jimm@ontarionature.org Ontario Nature is a not-for profit that works to protect and restore natural habitats through research, education and conservation. It connects thousands of individuals and communities with nature through various conservation groups across the province (charitable registration #10737 8952 RR0001). For more information, visit www.ontarionature.org.