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Ontario Nature teams up with the LCBO to raise funds for conservation and habitat protection - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Ontario Nature teams up with the LCBO to raise funds for conservation and habitat protection

Feb 29th, 2008 4:08 AM

Media Release: For Immediate Release Ontario Nature teams up with the LCBO to raise funds for conservation and habitat protection Donations will go toward helping species at risk and habitat protection (Toronto, February 29, 2008) Beginning tomorrow, it will be easier for Ontarians to make a real difference in the future of their natural environment. Ontario Nature (ON), a not-for profit organization that works to protect and restore natural habitats through research, education and conservation, will have donation boxes placed at checkout counters at LCBO stores across the province. All money collected will to toward protecting and preserving habitat and species and help to initiate community conservation programs in Ontario. For over 75 years, Ontario Nature has led in the field of conservation and nature preservation; has helped support individuals, groups and scholars involved in science-based research and has provided educational resources to young naturalists and community nature groups. “When the opportunity to work with the LCBO occurred, we quickly got on board. They are uniquely positioned to engage a variety of people and focus attention on issues we feel are of extreme importance to Ontarians,” said Caroline Schultz, Executive Director of Ontario Nature. “We are pleased to partner with Ontario Nature,” said LCBO Chair Philip J. Olsson. “LCBO’s customers have always responded generously to worthy causes and we thank them for providing a positive change in so many people’s lives.” Ontario Nature is one of 26 provincial charitable organizations that will benefit from the LCBO’s province-wide donation box program in 2008. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are raised each year through the program. In addition, LCBO’s annual dividend transfer to the Ontario government, which totaled $1.275 billion in fiscal 2006-07, excluding taxes, supports a wide range of important government programs, services and priorities, including health care and education. -30- For more information or to arrange an interview: Jonathan Laderoute, e|c|o Tel: 416-972-7401 E-mail: laderoutej(a)huffstrategy.com Jacqueline Waldorf, Senior Communications Consultant, LCBO Corporate Communications Tel: 416-864-6875 Fax: 416-864-6850 E-mail: jacqueline.waldorf(a)lcbo.com Ontario Nature is a not-for profit that works to protect and restore natural habitats through research, education and conservation. It connects thousands of individuals and communities with nature through various conservation groups across the province (charitable registration # 10737 8592 RR0001). For more information, visit www.ontarionature.org.