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New research to be unveiled showing dramatic changes to Ontario’s bird population - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

New research to be unveiled showing dramatic changes to Ontario’s bird population

Jan 28th, 2008 5:11 AM

Media Advisory: Attention News/Environment/Lifestyle/Assignment Editors New research to be unveiled showing dramatic changes to Ontario’s bird population Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario demonstrates come-backs and declines for Ontario bird species (Toronto, Ontario) Join members of Ontario Nature and the authors of the Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario for an advance look at the trends in Ontario bird populations. Speakers will identify recovering Ontario bird species as well as those at risk and in alarming decline across the province. The effects of conservation activities, reintroductions, and habitat loss on Ontario bird species will also be discussed. WHAT: Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario WHEN: Tuesday January 29, 2008, WHERE: Queen’s Park Media Studio, Room 149, Legislative Building* WHO: Mike Cadman, Project Coordinator, Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario Gregor Beck, Atlas Board Chair and Co-editor Caroline Schultz, Executive Director, Ontario Nature For more information, please contact: Jonathan Laderoute, e|c|o, 416-972-7401, laderoutej(a)huffstrategy.com Caroline Schultz, Ontario Nature, (416) 444-8419 ext. 237; cell (416) 768-9795, carolines(a)ontarionature.org * For media who are not members of the Queen’s Park Press Gallery, you will need both a visitor's pass from Legislative Security and a Media Day Pass issued by the Press Gallery. Ontario Nature is a not-for profit that works to protect and restore natural habitats through research, education and conservation. It connects thousands of individuals and communities with nature through various conservation groups across the province (charitable registration # 10737 8952 RR0001). www.ontarionature.org.