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MFTIP workshop to help Collingwood residents reduce property taxes and reap financial benefits of managed woodlots - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

MFTIP workshop to help Collingwood residents reduce property taxes and reap financial benefits of managed woodlots

Aug 29th, 2006 7:03 AM

Managed forests are worth some cash (Collingwood, ON) Landowners with more than 10 acres of forested property can qualify for up to 75% in property tax reductions under the Ontario Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP). The Ontario Forestry Association is hosting a free workshop at the Royal Canadian Legion, in downtown Collingwood on Tuesday, September 26 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. This workshop will show you how to apply for tax relief under MFTIP, set objectives for your property, prepare a forest stewardship plan and identify local resources to assist you achieve your management goals. This workshop is sponsored by the Trees Ontario Foundation. WHEN: Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 6:30 – 8:30 pm WHERE: Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 63, 490 Ontario Street, Collingwood, Ontario WHO: Ontario Forestry Association WHAT: Free Woodlot Management Workshop For more information and to register (workshop space is limited), please contact: Ontario Forestry Association: 1.800.387.0790 Visit our website at www.oforest.on.ca or email us at info@oforest.on.ca The Ontario Forestry Association is a non-profit, registered charity dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of Ontario’s forests, and to developing stewardship of forest ecosystems. Visit www.oforest.on.ca. The Trees Ontario Foundation (TOF) is a non-profit foundation established in 1994 as an independent arm of the Ontario Forestry Association. TOF was formed with a mandate to promote and support tree planting initiatives in Ontario (www.treesontario.on.ca).