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Newmarket MFTIP workshop to help local residents reduce property taxes on woodlots by up to 75% - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Newmarket MFTIP workshop to help local residents reduce property taxes on woodlots by up to 75%

Jan 29th, 2007 4:11 AM

Your forested land can save you cash! MFTIP workshop to help local residents reduce property taxes on their forested land by up to 75% (Newmarket, Ontario) The Ontario Forestry Association, in partnership with the Trees Ontario Foundation, is hosting another series of popular woodlot management workshops in 2007. Landowners with ten acres of forested land or more can find out how to apply for tax relief under the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP), set objectives for their properties, prepare forest stewardship plans and identify local resources to assist them in achieving their management goals. The next workshop takes place on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Newmarket Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 426 at 707 Srigley Street. Space is limited and pre-registration is recommended. For more information and to register, please contact the Ontario Forestry Association at 1.800.387.0790 or info@oforest.on.ca. Information is also available at www.oforest.on.ca. WHAT: Free MFTIP workshop WHEN: Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 6:00 – 8:00 pm WHERE: Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 426, 707 Srigley Street, Newmarket, Ontario WHO: Ontario Forestry Association Media Contact: Jonathan Laderoute, e|c|o|, 416.972.7401, laderoutej@huffstrategy.com. www.oforest.on.ca The Ontario Forestry Association is a non-profit, registered charity dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of Ontario’s forests, and to developing stewardship of forest ecosystems. Visit www.oforest.on.ca. The Trees Ontario Foundation (TOF) is a non-profit foundation established in 1994 as an independent arm of the Ontario Forestry Association. TOF was formed with a mandate to promote and support tree planting initiatives in Ontario. Visit (www.treesontario.on.ca.)