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Ottawa River Institute supports Green Energy Act - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Ottawa River Institute supports Green Energy Act

Dec 5th, 2008 6:12 AM

Media Release For Immediate Release Pembroke, Ontario (Friday, December 5, 2008) - The Green Energy Act Alliance released its expectations for the upcoming Ontario Green Energy Act at Queen’s Park today, during the critically important global climate change conference in Poznan, Poland. The Alliance recommendations for the Act will help bring economic prosperity and new ‘green’ jobs to Ontario, reduce Ontario’s greenhouse gas emissions, and allow individuals, communities and companies to become energy producers and conservers. One of those organizations that supports the recommendations for the Green Energy Act is the Ottawa River Institute, which is raising awareness of sustainable energy and assessing the potential of various types of renewable energy in the Ottawa Valley. Specifically, it has been looking for a way to jump start the adoption of solar hot water. "The Green Energy Act is great news for the Ottawa Valley," said Richard Copeland, a director of the Ottawa River Institute. "We have been trying to figure out a way to get solar domestic hot water going in a major way here in Renfrew County. The Green Energy Act will really help us get this off the ground." The Green Energy Act Alliance is recommending that the legislation be all inclusive so that communities and individuals can participate. For the Ottawa River Institute, this would enable individual and community projects such as solar hot water systems for homes and institutions, said Copeland. “We need this Act that aggressively meets future energy requirements and shows promise for sustainable energy for Ontario for years to come, as well as for economic stimulus and a new base for economic growth” he added. As a sponsor and supporter of the Destination Conservation program in Renfrew County elementary schools and various community workshops on conservation, the Institute also applauds the inclusion of conservation in the proposed Green Energy Act. “The Green Energy Act for Ontario could generate the most progressive green energy jurisdiction in North America,” said Copeland. For more information, contact: Richard Copeland Ottawa River Institute (613) 333-1551 richnaud@hughes.net