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Green Energy Act Alliance endorses Minister Smitherman’s directive to prioritize conservation and renewable energy - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Green Energy Act Alliance endorses Minister Smitherman’s directive to prioritize conservation and renewable energy

Sep 19th, 2008 9:33 AM

Green Energy Act Alliance endorses Minister Smitherman’s directive to prioritize conservation and renewable energy (Toronto, Ontario, September 19, 2008) Yesterday, the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure directed the Ontario Power Authority to review and amend its Integrated Power System Plan (IPSP). The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) and other members of the Green Energy Act Alliance applaud this move and consider it a significant step forward in the evolution of the provincial energy sector. “The maximization of Ontario’s potential to provide clean, green, reliable renewable power to homes and businesses across the province and a new generation of ‘green collar’ careers and industry is an exciting opportunity reminiscent of the Premier and Minister Gerretsen’s vision that led to Ontario’s cutting edge and world leading Green Belt Act,” said Kris Stevenson, OSEA Executive Director. Yesterday’s announcement should also help position Ontario to take advantage of the relative lack of market development, skilled labor and manufacturing of renewable technology in North America. “With strong guiding principles and a well informed vision you can create a setting where the environment, society and the economy thrive.” Stated Deborah Doncaster Executive Director of the Community Power fund and member of the Green Energy Alliance, “Actions like these lead us to believe that meaningful change is possible and that Ontario has the opportunity to really shine in Copenhagen at the UN Climate Change Conference in 2009.” In Germany, a country 1/3 the size of Ontario, they already have 32,000 MW of installed capacity from renewable energy source – that is enough energy to supply more than 50% of our demand and enough economic opportunity to employ more than 250,000 people. A Green Energy Act will also have real benefits for many First Nation communities across the province. Partnerships would be developed in consultation with - and have the cooperation of - First Nations communities. The result would provide clean energy and economic development. “First Nations are excited about the opportunity the faster deployment of new transmission, enhanced consultation and opportunities for partnership represent.” said Michael Fox of the First Nations Energy Alliance and member of the Green Energy Act Alliance. “My family’s collars have been green for generations. It’s great to have the industry folk, ENGOs, manufacturers and others getting on board,” added Don McCabe, Vice President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and member of the Green Energy Act Alliance. “We’ve been impressed by Minister Smitherman, who like our Premier, has demonstrated true leadership,” concluded Mr. Stevens. “He’s worked hard with his team to achieve a solid vision that matches the standards of leaders and innovators in the field of green energy policy around the world.” -30- For more information, please contact: Kristopher Stevens, OSEA, 416-303-1201, Kristopher@ontario-sea.org Deborah Doncaster, Community Power Fund, 416-824-4866, deb@cpfund.ca Don McCabe, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, 519-331-6157, don.mccabe@ofa.on.ca Michael Fox, First Nations Energy Alliance, 807-472-6147, mfox@foxhighimpact.com The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) works to initiate, facilitate and support the work of local sustainable energy organizations through membership services, province wide capacity building and non-partisan policy work. The Community Power Fund is a financing organization established to support community-owned renewable energy in Ontario. Our mission is to provide financial and technical support to communities working to develop, build and own renewable energy projects. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is a farmer-lead dynamic provincial lobby which works to represent the interests of its farm members to government. We work collaboratively towards a profitable, sustainable future for Ontario farmers. First Nations Energy Alliance are working together on the common interest of pursuing and developing greater First Nations participation in the renewable energy industry - including wind, solar, biomass and water power. To learn more about the Green Energy Act Alliance please visit www.greenenergyact.ca.