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Sudbury Catholic Charities receives $3,000 donation from Greater Sudbury Utilities - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Sudbury Catholic Charities receives $3,000 donation from Greater Sudbury Utilities

Dec 13th, 2007 5:41 AM

Media Release - Attention News / Assignment Editors and Reporters PHOTOS AVAILABLE Old light bulbs collected and decorated as ornaments, then sold to raise funds for charity (Sudbury, December 13, 2007) Greater Sudbury Utilities (GSU) Chair Doug Craig presented a cheque to Sudbury Catholic Charities today, as students from Lockerby Composite School (LCS) joined to lend their support. Students from LCS's Green Committee approached GSU in early November to secure a donation of 1,000 CFLs. Homeowners in the Sudbury region were canvassed by students seeking to exchange old incandescent light bulbs for an energy efficient CFL. One thousand old bulbs were collected and transformed into festive Christmas tree ornaments. The students then sold them to raise money for Sudbury Catholic Charities' Blue Door Café. "Today represents a new standard for community volunteerism," said Doug Craig, Greater Sudbury Hydro Chair. "This truly unique collaboration has proven that the youth of our community has the leadership and passion necessary to make a difference in the lives of others." Sister Marie Turcotte, Operation Manager for the Sudbury Catholic Charities Blue Door Café was delighted with the donation and hopes it inspires others to help. "Staff and students of Lockerby Composite School and Greater Sudbury Utilities are to be commended for their initiative to raise funds for the Sudbury Soup Kitchen's Blue Door Café. This money will help us provide a daily weekday meal to our 350- 400 regular guests. By opening your hearts to the least fortunate of our society, you have demonstrated the importance of helping others." LCS student Mathieu Buttazzoni, a project leader on the Christmas bulb imitative believes the experience was a good first step. "Students came together and took a proactive and innovative approach to energy conservation. Thanks to Sudbury Hydro, we were able to take one small step in making Sudbury a healthier place to live. Our hope is that others will realize that simple changes in the way we live will do wonders for the environment and the lives of others less fortunate." -30- For more information, contact: Paula Tarini - Supervisor - Conservation Greater Sudbury Utilities Inc., (705) 675-0502, paulat@shec.com Greater Sudbury Utilities Inc. (formerly Sudbury Hydro Electric Commission), is the owner and operator of the electrical distribution system in the City of Greater Sudbury, and of the townships of Coniston, Capreol, Falconbridge and West Nipissing. They are a strong community advocate for conservation and environmental quality within the City of Greater Sudbury and have encouraged the continued building and sustaining of a cleaner environment in the region.