"Ottawa: Step Away from Our Fish!"

Sep 6th, 2011 4:19 AM

Alexandra Morton issues ‘Wild Salmon People's Manifesto'
At 9:00 am, September 6, Salmon Are Sacred supporters wearing ‘Wild Salmon Warrior' tattoos gather outside the courtroom at 701 W. Georgia with ‘Stop Fish Farms' signs to demand salmon farms GET OUT! (Vancouver, B.C. Sept 6, 2011) - Alexandra Morton today issued the ‘Wild Salmon People's Manifesto' outside the Cohen Commission. The ‘Wild Salmon People's Manifesto' includes: a) Wild salmon are not ours to destroy b) Salmon feedlots are too dangerous to be in our ocean c) DFO will give us the facts on the virus reported in the majority of sockeye, are there brain tumours or not? d) DFO will use cutting-edge science including genomic profiling and telemetry to provide the best available information on this valuable resource to ensure it remains intact for future generations e) Reinstatement of the government Fisheries Research Board free of political muzzling f) Put DFO money back on the coasts, reduce Ottawa spending g) Prohibit import of Atlantic salmon eggs h) Transition salmon farm employees to alternate employment i) Section 35 and 36 of the Fisheries Act be enforced in respect of impacts to fish and fish habitat with support to field staff to enforce compliance j) Wild Pacific salmon are the icon of the Province of British Columbia "Ottawa and the province of BC have failed wild salmon - I see no reason to trust them any longer, they need to step away from our salmon," said Alexandra Morton, who will testify to the Cohen Commission tomorrow and Thursday. "Millions of dollars of Federal Fisheries funding for aquaculture promotion is unacceptable when there is no money to identify and track a virus we are told may be weakening and killing the majority of Fraser sockeye," Morton continued. "We heard testimony salmon feedlots can spread 60 billion viral particles per hour, that they were sited with no consideration for wild salmon migration routes, that bio security only means protecting farm salmon, that the one scientist who may have discovered why millions of sockeye are dying before spawning had her funding cut when salmon farms were implicated." "The Federal Government is behaving like they have brain lesions and cannot think straight," said Anissa Reed, co-founder of Salmon Are Sacred. "They're robbing our children of jobs and the incredible benefit of wild salmon. Wild salmon is our ground zero; we have nowhere left to go. The people of British Columbia want wild Pacific salmon and are willing to fight to protect the life-force of this supernatural Province. We want answers." Contact: Anissa Reed, (250) 228-2872 More information online via www.salmonaresacred.org