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Green Fleet Management Breakfast Forum Series 2009-2010 - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Green Fleet Management Breakfast Forum Series 2009-2010

Sep 10th, 2009 5:36 AM

Green Fleet Management Breakfast Forum Series 2009-2010 Media Advisory Attn: News Editors and Event Calender Editors Go Green! Fleets everywhere today are seeking ways to green up their operations for reasons of corporate social responsibility and public image, cost control, and environmental purposes - the “triple bottom line.” Fleet Challenge Ontario (FCO) www.fleetchallenge.ca is a not-for-profit program of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance that helps fleet operators reduce their fuel consumption, operating costs and tailpipe emissions through sharing of modern fleet management techniques and proven best management practices. Timing and Location of Breakfast Series The first three breakfast forums will be held at the Estates of Sunnybrook, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, from 7:30 a.m. until noon. The fourth breakfast forum will be held in conjunction with Green Fleet Expo 2010 at Centennial College, Toronto, from 7:30 a.m. until noon. Tuesday, October 6, 2009 – Green Fleet 101 “A Green Fleet Primer”. This breakfast forum will focus on introducing green fleet options for the public and private sector fleet operator, through exploring green fleet concepts, planning, and implementation in both technical and case study presentations and discussion. The location is Estates of Sunnybrook, Toronto, from 7:30 a.m. until noon. Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - Green Fleet 201 “Green Fleet Financial Planning”. This breakfast forum will focus on financial planning for your fleet asset base; making business sense of fleet greening; a review of case studies of private and public sector fleet leaders in asset management. The location is Estates of Sunnybrook, Toronto, from 7:30 a.m. until noon. Tuesday, February 23, 2010 - Green Fleet 301 “Special Topic: Hybrids & Electrification”. This breakfast forum will focus on what’s happening in electrification, hybrids, and other options worth consideration. Case studies of private and public sector fleet leaders adopting these technologies will be profiled. The location is Estates of Sunnybrook, Toronto, from 7:30 a.m. until noon. Thursday, June 10, 2010 - Green Fleet 401 “The Masters Series”. This forum will be held in conjunction with Green Fleet Expo 2010 and will introduce “the big picture in future automotive transportation”, with a discussion of emerging national and global directions in automotive fleets and fuel, as well as innovative products and developments. The location is Centennial College, Toronto, from 7:30 a.m. until noon. Who should attend? This series is ideal for those with public or private fleet management responsibilities. These forums are a progression of informative sessions starting with the fundamentals of greening a fleet through to blue sky planning. This is a Carbon Neutral Series Your kilometres travelled to and from this event is part of your registration information so that we may purchase carbon offsets for everyone’s travel. What are carbon offsets? Carbon offsets are simply credits for emission reductions achieved by projects such as wind farms, solar installations, or energy efficiency retrofits. For More Information – Please Contact Us – 416 207 9774 ext 118 or toll free 1 866 312 5659 Media and External Communications: Jana Cervinka, External Relations Mgr. jcervinka@fleetchallenge.ca