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Environmental Communication Options (ECO) passes ten year milestone - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Environmental Communication Options (ECO) passes ten year milestone

Feb 23rd, 2010 7:41 AM

Environmental Communication Options (ECO) passes ten year milestone Canada’s oldest Environmental Relations firm celebrates a decade in business (Toronto/Sudbury ON, February 23 2010) For ten years, Don Huff has done what he loves running: Environmental Communication Options (ECO’s), Canada’s pioneering Environmental Relations firm. The firm has been successful thanks to Don’s thirty years of experience in the environment, energy and natural resources sectors. His resume includes serving as: Conservation Director of the Federation of Ontario Naturalist / Ontario Nature, founding staff-member of Canadian Environmental Defence, President of the Sierra Club of Eastern Canada, Founding Vice-Chair of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (bi--national trade association), and Queen’s Park Legislative Analyst for the Ontario Liberals. Don has provided strategic counsel to decision-makers, advocates and opinion leaders on energy conservation, green business, natural resource issues, and land use. He’s developed a reputation for getting things done, including: • Design and implementation of successful advocacy and environmental relations campaigns for businesses, environmental and conservation organizations, trade associations and First Nations organizations in Canada and the USA • Creation and distribution of hundreds of media releases each year • Countless press conferences in various locations across Canada, including provincial and federal legislatures • Development of communication strategies for plaintiffs in class action lawsuits (National, Ontario and BC) • Providing strategic advice to environmental lawyers • Development of over a dozen eco-focused specialty “wire services,” to enhance web based reach of clients (see CSRwire.ca, CleanTechWire.ca, LEDWire.ca, LOHASwire.com, etc.) Specifically, Don has: • Provided strategic and communications counsel for campaigns such as improvements to the Ontario Building Code, Lands for Life provincial parks expansion, closure of the Ontario Spring Bear Hunt, protection of BC’s wild salmon, the Mid Pen Highway and the rollout of Ontario’s Green Energy Act • Won the Office Depot’s LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health & Sustainability) Green Marketing Award in Los Angeles • Drafted language for the Tri-national Bird Conservation Treaty and Canada’s National Marine Park Policy; • Coordinated Ontario’s largest Environmental Assessment case (Crown Land Forest Management) • Partnered with Charles Fox (former Grand Chief of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation) to establish a First Nations owned media relations firm Penasi Communications • Designed eco-tourism and value-added forest products outreach programs • Advocated for stronger Building Codes and provided strategic advice on energy efficiency policies • Implemented sustainability award programs • Organized and delivered a major eco-tourism conference to enhance regional economic development • Edited Our Green Home Don is available to comment on environmental trends and the changing role of government, business, non-governmental organizations and trade associations in the green economy. To schedule interviews contact: Tina Siegel, 416-972-07404 or tsiegel(at)ecostrategy.ca Additional details can be found at: www.ecostrategy.ca Media releases distributed by ECO are available at: http://www.huffstrategy.com/MediaManager. This is a fully searchable database with over 1600 releases.