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Ontario Environmental Commissioner to release Energy Conservation Report on November 30, 2010 - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Ontario Environmental Commissioner to release Energy Conservation Report on November 30, 2010

Nov 26th, 2010 4:51 AM

Media Advisory The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario will release Rethinking Energy Conservation in Ontario – Results: Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report 2009 (Volume 2) on Tuesday November 30, 2010 and will be available online at http://www.eco.on.ca/eng/ starting at 10:00 a.m. The Report will comment on energy conservation initiatives, assesses the energy savings that have been achieved and measures progress on targets in Ontario. It is a companion document to Rethinking Energy Conservation in Ontario: Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report 2009 (Volume One), available at http://eco.on.ca/eng/index.php/pubs/cdm-09-v1.php A limited number of hard copies of Rethinking Energy Conservation in Ontario – Results will be available for pick up at the Commissioner’s office. For more information or to schedule interviews with the Commissioner after 10 a.m. on November 30, please contact Hayley Easto, Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, 416-325-3371 (office), 416-819-1673 (cell) or email hayley.easto@eco.on.ca
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The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario is appointed by the Legislative Assembly to be the province's independent environmental watchdog, and report publicly on the government's environmental decision-making. Under the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has a new responsibility to report annually to the Speaker of the Assembly on the progress of activities in Ontario to reduce or make more efficient use of electricity, natural gas, propane, oil and transportation fuels. The ECO is also required to review the progress in meeting any government-established targets to reduce energy consumption and increase efficient use of these fuels, as well as to identify barriers to conservation and energy efficiency. Aussi disponible en francais. 此新聞通知亦提供中文版