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Gord Miller appointed to third term as Ontario's Environmental Commissioner - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Gord Miller appointed to third term as Ontario's Environmental Commissioner

May 25th, 2010 4:32 AM

Media Release Gord Miller appointed to third term as Ontario's Environmental Commissioner (Toronto, May 25, 2010) Gord Miller has been appointed to his third term as Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. The Environmental Commissioner is an independent officer appointed by the Legislative Assembly charged with overseeing the implementation of the Environmental Bill of Rights (1993) (EBR). This includes monitoring 14 ministries and submitting annual reports on: • Government compliance with the EBR • Government progress on green house gas reduction • Ontario's attempts to use or make more efficient use of electricity, natural resources, gas, propane, oil and transportation fuels Miller has held the position of Environmental Commissioner since 2000. In that time, he has produced eleven annual reports, seven special reports and one Green House Gas Progress Report to the provincial Legislature. The Green Energy and Economy Act, passed in May 2009, expanded the Commissioner's mandate to include the use and conservation of electricity, natural resources and transportation fuels. In response to his new duties, Miller launched an interactive website where Ontarians can discuss their experiences of energy conservation, both good and bad. "I am committed to helping Ontario reach its goals for energy conservation and environmental sustainability," Miller said. "We're making progress, but there's more to be done. I'm glad for the ongoing chance to contribute in my capacity as the province's Environmental Commissioner." Prior to becoming the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Miller worked as a scientist in pollution abatement and in environmental education and training. For more information, or to schedule interviews with Mr. Miller, please contact: Hayley Easto Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario 416.325.3371 hayley.easto@eco.on.ca The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario is the province's independent environmental watchdog. Appointed by the Legislative Assembly, the ECO is tasked with monitoring and reporting on compliance with the Environmental Bill of Rights, and the government's success in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in achieving greater energy conservation in Ontario.