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City of Sudbury receives Certificate of Recognition for energy conservation - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

City of Sudbury receives Certificate of Recognition for energy conservation

Mar 29th, 2007 4:42 AM

Media Release - Attention News, Assignment and Photo Editors (Sudbury, Ontario, March 29, 2007) Peter Love, Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer presented a Certificate of Recognition to the City of Greater Sudbury at a breakfast meeting held at the Holiday Inn this morning. Mr. Love observed that, "The City, through its Efficient Sudbury campaign, has harnessed the efforts and goodwill of many leading local retailers. This is a unique undertaking, making the municipal government and the local businesses partners in helping to build a Culture of Conservation in the community." He went on to say, "The Greater Sudbury experience is one I refer to often. It is a unique partnership between the City of Greater Sudbury, over 100 community agencies, organizations and businesses, and hundreds of individuals - all collaborating to create a greener, healthier and more sustainable community." "We are very encouraged by the enthusiasm and participation shown by our retail partners," said City of Greater Sudbury Deputy Mayor Ron Dupuis. "This is definitely a unique, cooperative effort to come together as a community and achieve a common goal. We are taking action on conservation and with this unique partnership we can make a positive difference." On March 5th, Efficient Sudbury undertook a Canadian first when they launched an Interactive Home Audit (IHA), a web-based tool developed by the Dearness Environmental Society. Over 27,000 students and their families in Greater Sudbury have been asked to participate in the IHA program over the next few weeks. Mr. Love ended by saying, "Your efforts are important. Ontarians' behavior influenced by projects like Efficient Sudbury resulted in a reduction in electricity use by 2.5% between January and August 2006 (weather adjusted) compared with the previous year. I expect the next set of numbers will show even stronger results." Prior to presenting the certificate to Deputy Mayor Ron Dupuis, Mr. Love provided a short talk on Energy Efficiency and Climate Change. -30- For further information, please contact: Barton Sala, Ontario Power Authority, (416) 969-6009, barton.sala@powerauthority.on.ca Alison Taylor, Communications Officer, City of Greater Sudbury. (705) 674-4455, ext. 2513 The Conservation Bureau is an office of the Ontario Power Authority. It was established in 2005 to develop, coordinate and stimulate electricity conservation and demand management by planning, designing and implementing comprehensive programs that foster a culture of conservation across the province (www.conservationbureau.on.ca). Efficient Sudbury is a project of EarthCare Sudbury. EarthCare Sudbury is coordinated through the City of Greater Sudbury's Environmental Planning Initiatives Section. Backgrounder Energy Efficient Sudbury and Participating Businesses * There are over 50 local retailers (from all retail sectors: hardware and building, home electronics and appliances, grocery stores and general retail) have committed. 218 participants, including 109 frontline retail staff from 38 retailers attended our train-the-trainer workshops. * A Retailer Advisory Committee has been established to help oversee and guide our process, with representation from all the retail sectors. * Nine product sheets and 3 shelf talkers promoting energy star products will appear in retail partner stores within the next few weeks. Consumers will see ES messaging in stores throughout the community. * Community outreach through CAN presentations (community action network/neighbourhood associations), public libraries, schools, community groups and corporate presentations, and participated in a recent home show - in all speaking to more than 1000 people. * A library loan program of energy monitoring devices to assist in determining and identifying homeowner energy costs and opportunities for conservation, and recently stated a home visit program to promote our campaign. Participating Businesses * A & J Home Hardware * Campeau Heating * Canadian Tire (Chelmsford) * Canadian Tire (Hanmer) * Canadian Tire (New Sudbury) * Canadian Tire (South End) * Capreol Pro Hardware * City Electronics * Dan's Lumber * Dixon Electric Ltd. * Easy Home * Evans Home Building Centre * Future Shop * Garson Home Hardware * Giant Tiger * Grand & Toy Muirhead * Hanmer Home Hardware * Hart (Sudbury) * Home Depot * Houle's Appliance Service * Insta Rent * Kelly Lake Building Supplies * Leon's Furniture * Levack Home Hardware * Loeb (Val Caron) * McNeice and Smith Appliances * Nauss Plumbing and Heating * Nedco * North West Lumber Co. Ltd (Home Hardware) * Northern Air & Maintenance * Pinehill Lumber * Poulton's Your Independent Grocer * Rona Cashway Building Centre (Sudbury) * Rona Cashway Building Centre (Val Caron) * Rona Joel Building Centre (Wahnapitae) * Sears * Roy's Furniture * Sears Canada Inc. * Sears Home * Second Avenue Home Hardware * Skakoon Home Hardware * Smania Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors * Sonic Northern * Sudbury Heating & Air Conditioning * The Brick * The Sony Store * TIM-BR Mart * Val Est Pro Hardware * Walden Home Hardware * Windows Unlimited * Zellers (Southridge Mall) * Zellers (Supermall)