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Energy Secretariat launched - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Energy Secretariat launched

Jul 25th, 2006 3:10 AM

Conservation Bureau supports energy conservation efforts in the Ontario college system (Toronto, July 24, 2006) Ontario’s college system is the first public-sector system in the province to launch an Energy Secretariat to oversee energy conservation for the entire sector. The secretariat is receiving financing from the Conservation Fund through the office of Peter Love, Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation Officer. The Conservation Bureau is part of the Ontario Power Authority. The Secretariat’s role is to develop action plans and manage projects to support energy efficiency in the 24 colleges. "This initiative is an important part of our long-term plan for electricity supply in Ontario," observed Peter Love, Chief Energy Conservation Officer. "We hope this kind of program and approach can be extended to everyone in the broader public sector, ensuring more institutions can take advantage of opportunities to be more energy efficient." Like many power users in Ontario, the colleges face challenges managing energy costs. Many capital projects that would help to make buildings and facilities more energy efficient were postponed in recent years due to a tight capital funding situation in the college system. “While the success of this initiative will bring clear benefits to the colleges, it also has wider implications as a pilot project for the province,” said David Lindsay, President of the Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology of Ontario. “It is another example of the colleges playing a leading role in public-policy development.” The Secretariat will work with colleges to identify potential funding sources for efficiency and conservation projects and develop specific energy plans for each of Ontario’s college. It will also lead and assist in developing opportunities for bulk purchases of services and equipment related to conservation and retrofit projects. -30- For more information, contact: Caroline Donkin Director, Member Services, Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Tel: (416) 596 0744 ext. 250, Email: donkin@acaato.on.ca