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Chief Energy Conservation Officer awards Certificate of Recognition to Utilities Kingston for energy conservation - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Chief Energy Conservation Officer awards Certificate of Recognition to Utilities Kingston for energy conservation

May 14th, 2007 6:40 AM

Media Release - For Immediate Release (Kingston, Ontario, May 14, 2007) Peter Love, Chief Energy Conservation Officer of Ontario, awarded today a Certificate of Recognition to Utilities Kingston, for outstanding achievement during the 2006 Refrigerator Retirement Program. Utilities Kingston collected 948 old, electricity guzzling refrigerators through the program, surpassing their target by 60%. The 2006 Refrigerator Retirement Program encouraged people to replace older models with newer, energy efficient models, and to get rid of old, second fridges. Refrigerators are one of the largest consumers of electricity in the home, especially older models which can use up to four times the electricity of newer, energy-efficient refrigerators. The residential refrigerators collected in 2006 were at least 5 years old, 10 cubic feet or larger and in working condition at the time of pick-up. "The amount of electricity these refrigerators were consuming was enough to power 120 homes," said Mr. Love at the recognition event held at Utilities Kingston's offices. "The collection effort exceeded everyone's expectations. Everyone associated with the program should be proud of their commitment to conservation." "We are pleased with how our local community embraced this key conservation initiative," said Jim Keech, President and CEO of Utilities Kingston. "We want to thank the Conservation Bureau for inviting us to participate in this exciting pilot program, and we are looking forward to continuing to help assist in the creation of a culture of conservation in the province Ontario, and locally in Kingston." The Certificate of Recognition, accepted by Mr. Keech, reads, "Congratulations for promoting a culture of energy conservation through successful deliver of the 2006 Refrigerator Retirement Pilot Program." "Anyone who still has an old, second fridge really should consider getting rid of it," said Mr. Love. "It could be costing as much as $220 per year in energy costs, not to mention the environmental impact in terms of electricity consumption. And when purchasing a new fridge for your kitchen, look for the most energy efficient model. It may cost a little more up front, but you will quickly recoup that cost and save additional money in the long run. "We are pleased to go forward with our new program, The Great Refrigerator Round-Up, coming in a few weeks." -30- For more information, contact: Cindie Ashton, Communications Officer, City of Kingston, 613-546-4291 x3116, cell 613-329-3462, cashton@cityofkingston.ca OPA Media Hotline, 416-969-6307 The Conservation Bureau is an office of the Ontario Power Authority. It was established in 2005 to develop, coordinate and stimulate electricity conservation and demand management by planning, designing and implementing comprehensive programs that foster a culture of conservation across the province ( www.conservationbureau.on.ca). Utilities Kingston manages the assets of Kingston Electricity Distribution Limited (KEDL), as well as the natural gas, water, wastewater and network systems for the City of Kingston ( www.utilitieskingston.com).