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Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer recognizes 'green' salon for energy conservation - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Ontario's Chief Energy Conservation Officer recognizes 'green' salon for energy conservation

Jun 12th, 2007 4:23 AM

Media Release - For Immediate Release Attention News/Energy/Fashion Reporters and Editors World Salon demonstrates how small businesses can play a big role in energy conservation through installation of solar hot water panels, energy efficient lighting and appliances, and turning-off lights and appliances not in use (TORONTO, June 12, 2007) Friends, clients, colleagues and celebrities joined World Salon owner Brian Phillips at his salon yesterday as he received a coveted Certificate of Recognition from Peter Love, Ontario's first Chief Energy Conservation Officer. The Certificate was awarded because of Phillips' outstanding commitment to energy conservation, said Love. "Small businesses in Toronto account for over 60% of all electricity consumption," he said. "By making some simple, basic changes, World Salon is saving money and helping the environment at the same time. Image the savings if other businesses followed suit." When Phillips decided to conduct energy efficient retrofits in 1998, it wasn't about saving money. "I'm from Montreal, so I just assumed that electricity came from water," he said, referring to Quebec's main power source. "When I realized that producing electricity here in Ontario can create greenhouse gas emissions, I decided to do something about my electricity use." At the time, he had two electric water heaters, two 1985-vintage HVAC units, nine 500-watt halogen lights, a heavy-duty washer and electric dryer and two PCs. The lights and computers were left on 24/7. The first steps were simple: he changed the lighting to compact fluorescents and energy-efficient halogens; he switched to a laptop from desktop PCs; removed one of the HVAC units; installed a programmable thermostat; bought an efficient washer and dryer; and, of course, turned everything off when not needed. A few years later, he installed three solar panels on the roof to heat water and purchased a high efficiency gas water heater for topping up. His electricity use has gone from an average of 150 to 175 kilowatt-hours a day to between 30 and 60 kilowatt-hours daily. "I had a lot of help from groups like Cool Shops, Green Saver and the Clean Air Foundation," said Phillips. "The City of Toronto and Toronto Hydro were particularly helpful, as was the federal government, which partially funded the installation of the solar panels. "But, there's still more I can do…if I install a new, efficient furnace and better windows, and insulate the basement, I could easily save an additional 10 to 15%!" Phillips believes his is the first, and only, "green" salon in Canada. -30- For more information or high resolution photos, contact: Brian Phillips, World Salon, 416-594-1402, brian@world.ca OPA/Conservation Bureau Media Hotline, 416-969-6307 * Additional, professional photos of World Salon are available upon request. Contact Brian Phillips at 416-594-1402 or brian@world.ca. World Salon, begun in 1989, is one of the top salons in Toronto, and has a clientele which includes famous film stars, TV stars and supermodels. In 1999, World Salon committed to energy conservation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through better technology and business practices (www.world.ca). The Conservation Bureau is an office of the Ontario Power Authority. It was established in 2005 to develop, coordinate and stimulate electricity conservation and demand management by planning, designing and implementing comprehensive programs that foster a culture of conservation across the province ( www.conservationbureau.on.ca).