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Peter Love awards Guelph for 25 year Community Energy Plan and Project Porchlight - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Peter Love awards Guelph for 25 year Community Energy Plan and Project Porchlight

May 1st, 2007 7:03 AM

Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation Officer awards Certificates of Recognition to Guelph for 25 year Community Energy Plan and Project Porchlight (Guelph, Ontario, May 1, 2007) Today at the Italian Canadian Club in Guelph, Ontario’s Chief Energy Conservation Officer, Peter Love, presented two Certificates of Recognition to the City of Guelph and its residents. Certificates of Recognition are given to individuals or groups who work to establish a culture of conservation in Ontario. The first certificate was presented to the City of Guelph in recognition of remarkable leadership on the City’s part and on that of its Consortium partners. It was inscribed with these words: "Presented to the City of Guelph for promoting a culture of conservation through the adoption of a 25-Year Community Energy Plan (CEP).” Mr. Love observed that by approving this plan Guelph has positioned itself as a leader at the national level. He commented favourably on several aspects of the plan: • At least a quarter of Guelph’s total energy requirements will be competitively sourced from locally created renewable resources; • Using energy efficiency to create at a minimum all the energy needed to support the growth in the residential sector; • By 2031, 30% of Guelph’s anticipated electricity requirements will be associated with combined heat and power (cogeneration); and • By 2031, Guelph will reduce the magnitude of the summer grid electrical peak by at least 40%. The second Certificate was directed to the citizens of Guelph for their support of the Project Porchlight initiative, which saw over 130 volunteers distribute 10,000 energy saving compact fluorescent light bulbs. The success of this pilot project has been closely watched by neighbouring communities. In 2007, Project Porchlight will be undertaken throughout the city. Guelph Mayor Karen Farbridge accepted both Certificates of Recognition from Mr. Love. Mayor Farbridge thanked Mr. Love and observed, “The Guelph community understands the growing importance of effective management of its energy resources. The Community Energy Plan is this city’s way of planning well for our energy future, of maximizing energy efficiency, and of leveraging the use of renewable energy. Its bold vision sets an exciting course for the way this community will generate, use and manage energy in the coming decades.” “The CEP is not just a series of aspiration statements, but in fact represents an innovative and holistic approach to the energy challenges of the present and near future,” added Mr. Love. “This is a method that other communities should examine closely and I commend the residents of Guelph for their efforts, especially for their role in the successful Project Porchlight pilot.” -30- For further information, please contact: Laurie Watson, Communications Coordinator, City of Guelph, (519) 822-1260 ext. 2407 Don Huff, Environmental Communication Options, cell (416) 805-7720 (on-site, Peter Love media inquiries) The Conservation Bureau is an office of the Ontario Power Authority. It was established in 2005 to develop, coordinate and stimulate electricity conservation and demand management by planning, designing and implementing comprehensive programs that foster a culture of conservation across the province (www.conservationbureau.on.ca). *The Guelph CEP can be viewed at http://guelph.ca/uploads/ET_Group/admin/Final_CEP_Guelph_070328.pdf