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Ad campaign launched to challenge propane heating claims - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Ad campaign launched to challenge propane heating claims

Nov 14th, 2013 6:14 AM

HALF-TRUTHS: CANADIAN OIL HEAT ASSOCIATION TAKES SUPERIOR PROPANE TO TASK The Canadian Oil Heat Association’s number one priority is consumers
(Nova Scotia, November 14, 2013) The Canadian Oil Heat Association (COHA) is taking Superior Propane, a national company, “to task” for the launch of Superior Propane’s “off-oil” advertising campaign. In response to Superior Propane’s ambiguous consumer communication about propane versus oilheat in various regions of the country, COHA will release its own ads aimed at providing consumers information that is missing in Superior Propane’s claims. COHA takes consumer protection very seriously. “Advertising half the truth is no way to inform the consumer, rather it is a way to misguide them,” says Stephen Koch, President of COHA. “It is the belief of our members that Superior Propane is not treating consumers fairly by providing comparisons that may mislead them into thinking it is less expensive to heat with propane than with oil.” To support their claim of savings, Superior Propane chose to compare a low-efficiency oil furnace to the highest efficiency propane furnace, failed to mention the need to use more propane than oil to get the same amount of heat, and used an artificially-low, time-limited introductory price offer. Many of COHA’s members are in the business of delivering both heating oil and propane. They stress this is not a swipe at the propane industry in Canada, rather a response to ONE company’s questionable advertising claims and practices. COHA members strive to provide responsible and truthful information to their customers, allowing them to make the right choice for their household energy needs. It is very clear that Superior Propane’s “off-oil” advertising leaves the impression that heating your home with propane is cheaper than heating with oil. However, based on supporting data obtained from Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN), Superior Propane’s claim just doesn’t add up. COHA and its members believe consumers have a right to know the whole truth so they may make informed decisions for themselves and their families. Telling half-truths or comparing apples to oranges is not an acceptable advertising practice in this Association’s opinion. “Remaining silent and allowing Superior Propane to continue this practice does Nova Scotia consumers a disservice,” states Koch. “Today’s oilheat is cleaner, safer and more efficient than many think. Our customers are our number one priority and we want them to make good choices affecting their home heating future.” For further information, visit cleanerheat.ca.
For media inquiries, contact: Stephen Koch, President Canadian Oil Heat Association (P) 1-800-257-1593 The Canadian Oil Heat Association was established in 1983 and has grown into a national body boasting a membership of over four hundred oilheat professionals, including heating oil dealers, major oil companies, equipment manufacturers, wholesalers, contractors, trainers and other professional stakeholders.