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Tenth annual Smog Summit convenes in Toronto - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Tenth annual Smog Summit convenes in Toronto

Jun 3rd, 2009 5:00 AM

Tenth annual Smog Summit convenes in Toronto GTA highlights progress on fight against air pollution (Toronto, June 3, 2009) Someday, Torontonians will be able to breathe fresh, clean air. That's the focus of the 10th Annual Smog Summit, hosted by the Clean Air Partnership (CAP) and the GTA Clean Air Council (GTA-CAC). For the past ten years the Summit has provided a chance for the GTA-CAC to announce their clean air and climate change actions, to raise awareness of the risk polluted air poses to our health, and to share some of the environmental and economic benefits resulting from the implementation of clean air and climate change actions. "Air pollution is a serious problem, particularly in southern Ontario," remarked Eva Ligeti, Executive Director of CAP. "We are already seeing the effects on our health, environment and economy. We can no longer ignore the danger." According to the Ontario Medical Association, air pollution causes 9,500 premature deaths in Ontario and their 2005 study found that air pollution costs the province over $500 million in health care costs. "Smog days do not have to be part of our summers. There are so many opportunities to reduce energy use, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions all while making our communities greener and more livable. Smog Summits present what is being done and what needs to be done to improve air quality in the GTA", added Ligeti. At the 2009 Smog Summit, the Clean Air Partnership will also be presenting an award to Enbridge Gas Distribution for its leadership and innovation in energy conservation, developing sustainable energy solutions and as a champion of annual Smog Summits that help Greater Toronto Area municipalities implement clean air and climate change actions for the benefit of all communities in the region. "As a leader in environmental stewardship, Enbridge Gas Distribution is a proud founding sponsor of the Smog Summit," says Janet Holder, President, Enbridge Gas Distribution. "For the past decade, our involvement in the Smog Summit has been one of the ways we've shown our support for clean air initiatives." Further details are available at: www.cleanairpartnership.org To schedule media interviews, please contact: Gabrielle Kalapos, Clean Air Partnership at 416.948-7125 or gkalapos@cleanairpartnership.org Tina Siegel, Environmental Communication Options at 416.972.7401 or tsiegel@ecostrategy.ca The Clean Air Partnership (CAP) is a registered charity launched in June, 2000. CAP's mission is to work with partners to achieve clean air, facilitate the exchange of ideas, advance change and promote and coordinate implementation of actions that improve local air quality. The Greater Toronto Area Clean Air Council (GTA-CAC) promotes the reduction of air pollution emissions and increased awareness of regional air quality issues in the Greater Toronto Area through the collective efforts of all levels of government. The Council identifies and promotes the most effective initiatives to reduce the occurrence of smog and other forms of air pollution in the GTA, and their associated health risks.