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Bike sales soar – Canadians buying more bikes - Environmental Communication Options/Huff Strategy

Bike sales soar – Canadians buying more bikes

Sep 5th, 2008 12:10 PM

Media Release Attention: News, Business, Lifestyles, Assignment Editors and Reporters Bike sales soar – Canadians buying more bikes Montreal Bike Trade Show popularity tied to sales activity (Montreal, September 7, 2008) Canada’s bike industry is booming. In the first half of 2008, bike (unit) sales were up 6%, and dollar sales rose 8.5% over 2007 figures. One category – the lower priced rigid mountain bikes – skyrocketed by 600%, while the commuter oriented road bikes are up nearly 10%. These numbers indicate that Canada is heading in a more bike-friendly direction. Janet O’Connell, Executive Director of the Bicycle Trade Association of Canada (BTAC), attributes the rising tide to a range of factors - an increasingly eco-conscious public, more bike routes and trails, rising fuel prices, and a provincial tax holiday on bike and bike safety related equipment in Ontario. “It is exciting to see so many people embracing both their bikes and a healthy lifestyle. Whether you buy a bike to commute or use it for recreation, cycling is inexpensive, healthy and energy efficient.” Janet O’Connell made these observations in Montreal where she is assisting with setup for ExpoCycle 2008, BTAC’s annual trade show. ExpoCycle 2008 features 90,000 square feet of trade show display space and attracts 2,500 manufacturers, retailers and suppliers from around the world. O’Connell notes that “the Canadian consumers’ love affair with bicycles is also motivating the cycling industry. Pre-registration for ExpoCycle 2008 has already broken records, exceeding last years numbers by 20%. ExpoCycle 2008 kicks off today (Saturday, September 6) with DemoDay at Ski Bromont, one hour south of Montreal, where participants will have the unique opportunity to ride some of the world’s best bikes on a World Cup rated course. Activities move inside on Sunday (September 7) to Montreal’s Place Bonaventure, where the wheeling and dealing continues through to September 9. Reporters seeking to secure media credentials for ExpoCycle, interview Janet O’Connell about bike sales figures and BTAC, or to arrange interviews with show attendees and exhibitors can contact: Tina Siegel, e|c|o 416.972.7401 or tsiegel(at)huffstrategy.com or Cell # On-site 416-389-5570 Further details about DemoDay and ExpoCycle are available here: www.expocycle.ca. The ExpoCycle Show Schedule: http://www.expocycle.ca/events_seminars/show_schedule.html. The Bicycle Trade Association of Canada’s mission is to change Canadian culture by positioning cycling as the pre-eminent form of transportation and recreation in Canada. A not-for-profit trade association whose members come from the retail and supplier sectors of Canada’s bicycle industry BTAC is the national voice for cycling BTAC actively advocates on critical issues with government at all levels and builds partnerships throughout the cycling community in Canada. BTAC programs include Market Research, Cycling Advocacy, ExpoCycle (Canada’s Bike Trade Show) and many cost saving benefits to members (www.btac.org).